Entry form

Here you can register as a buyer with CarBidOPEN.

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The data will not be passed on to third parties.

By submitting this registration form, you give us your voluntary consent for the purpose of registering. In order to process your registration, you will need to provide all the data marked as mandatory in the form, because they will be used to assign the registration and then reply to it.
Note: The alias must not contain punctation, spaces or special characters!


Contact information:


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(You can change this option after your registration at any time.)

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I am interested in (voluntary indication)

Cars with < 60.000 km

Cars with < 80.000 km

Cars with < 100.000 km

Cars with > 100.000 km

Cars < 6 years

Cars < 8 years

Cars < 10 years

Cars > 10 years

Price < 5.000 EUR

Price < 10.000 EUR

Price < 20.000 EUR

Price > 20.000 EUR

SUV / off-road vehicles

Limousines / Station wagon

Small cars


Crash vehicles

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* Mandatory fields
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